Author: Sanjh

Prioritizing children’s health and education unlocks Africa’s prosperity 2023
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According to a statement released on Friday by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), giving children’s health and education a higher priority is the key to unlocking Africa’s potential for development. Ms. Cristian Munduate, who serves as the UNICEF Country Representative in Nigeria, made this announcement in Kaduna, at a gathering that was held to…
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UAE establishes mentoring initiative for nurses and midwives 2023
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The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced the “Nebras” project to improve nursing and midwifery skills and encourage scientific research that supports national health goals. Pfizer and Nebras launched “My journey in nursing and midwifery research.” The 2022-2026 nursing and midwifery strategy includes it. Dr. Sumaya Mohamed AlBlooshi, Head of the National Committee for…
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Japan health council worries Summer COVID-19 instances may surge 2023
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At a meeting on June 16, the coronavirus expert council of the Japanese health ministry predicted an increase in infections during the summer. The COVID-19 Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare convened its first meeting since COVID-19 was downgraded to Class 5 under Japan’s infectious disease control law on May 8.…
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Study reveals fathers’ support for breastfeeding and secure infant sleep 2023
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The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS for Dads) recently surveyed new dads and found that fathers may make a big difference in whether an infant is fed and securely placed to sleep. This new strategy is based on the 35-year-old yearly monitoring method used by the CDC and public health organizations to survey new…
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Insights into the bacteria that induce foodborne illness 2023
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The characteristics of a certain type of food-poisoning bacteria were discovered by researchers, which paved the way for the creation of preventative techniques. Journal of Infection and Immunity was the publication that ultimately made the findings public. Providencia spp., which has been found in individuals suffering from gastroenteritis and is very similar to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia…
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Sprinter Tori Bowie’s Eclampsia Death 2023
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Many women look back on their pregnancies as one of the most memorable times in their lives, despite the fact that it may be a physically challenging and emotionally trying time. But what if this blissful time suddenly becomes a nightmare and takes a turn for the tragic? Tori Bowie, an Olympic medalist and well-known…
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Betsi Cadwaladr: The health board is struggling to recruit a new CEO 2023
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Despite “an intensive search” and a £225,000 pay, a struggling health board failed to hire a new CEO. Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in north Wales has had four leaders in four years. In February, the Welsh government reinstated special measures due to patient safety concerns. Management stated a new CEO search had failed. In…
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How to pick and use turmeric powder on an empty stomach 2023
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India has always eaten turmeric. Ayurveda recommends turmeric in curries and medicines to reduce inflammation and provide antioxidants. Curcumin gives turmeric its potency. Turmeric shots and lattes are growing popular worldwide, not only in India. Turmeric helps arthritis, anxiety, post-workout muscle ache, and renal function. Turmeric powder selection Turmeric powder may be used to curries,…
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Altered gut microbes may indicate Alzheimer’s disease 2023
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Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, after brain changes but before cognitive symptoms, have a different gut bacteria than healthy people. The findings, published June 14 in Science Translational Medicine, suggest examining the gut bacterial ecology to determine dementia risk and…
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DWP announces a £58 million increase for 25,000 British citizens with health problems 2023
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By March 2025, the DWP will help over 25,000 health-challenged workers find or keep jobs. Adults with physical or mental health disabilities can enroll in IPSPC. It seeks to combine personalized career help and counseling with their health care. Mel Stride MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, confirmed the program expansion. GPs and…
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