• October 22, 2024

What Is the Safety of Hot Tubs?

After a demanding day, a bath in a hot tub could be exactly what you need to unwind. Additionally, the warm, bubbly water relieves aches and pains from ailments including fibromyalgia, low back pain, and arthritis.

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However, some people may not be safe around hot tubs, such as those who have heart condition or are pregnant. Furthermore, even healthy people are at risk from them when they aren’t properly cleansed.

Make sure you understand a little bit about the safety of hot tubs before purchasing one for your garden or entering the warm waters at the spa or gym.

Advantages for Health

Your body feels calmed by warm water for several reasons. Blood arteries enlarge due to the heat, distributing nutrient-rich blood throughout your body. Additionally, warm water reduces swelling and releases tense muscles. Also, the buoyancy of the water relieves pressure on hurting joints.

Taking a hot tub soak might perhaps improve your mood. According to research, they can reduce tension and encourage relaxation.

Hot Tub Dangers

If you’re not careful, these whirlpools of heated water might be dangerous.


According to statistics provided by 36 states, between 2015 and 2019, outbreaks from treated pools and hot tubs caused at least 3,646 instances of disease, 286 hospitalizations, and 13 fatalities in the United States. Bacteria thrive in hot tubs’ damp environment, which is why proper cleaning is essential.

One kind of bacterium that grows well in hot tubs is pseudomonas, which can infect the skin and hair follicles. Red, itchy lumps on your abdomen and the places covered by your swimming suit are symptoms. The appearance of these lumps may occur several hours or even days following a drop. Swimmer’s ear is an illness brought on by the same bacterium.

You might become ill from other bacteria that reside in hot tubs. The cause of diarrheal GI illnesses is Cryptosporidium. A serious kind of pneumonia, or lung illness, is brought on by legionella.

Using Hot Tubs While Pregnant

Due to its tendency to raise body temperature, hot tubs may not be healthy for expectant mothers. According to research, mothers who use hot tubs often or for extended periods of time during their pregnancy have an increased risk of giving birth to children who have neural tube birth abnormalities such spina bifida or anencephaly.

Try to stay away from hot tubs throughout those nine months. If you do use a hot tub, make sure it’s not too hot and don’t spend more than ten minutes in the water.

Heart Hazards

If you have heart problems, use a hot tub with caution. Your body is unable to sweat while submerged in hot water. Instead, in order to cool you down, your blood vessels must enlarge. Your blood pressure decreases as a result. Your heart rate increases when your blood pressure drops.

For those in good health, this poses no issue; nonetheless, it can put stress on the heart.

Healthy Tub Safety Advice

Use these safety guidelines to keep informed:

Consult your physician. Ask your doctor if it’s okay for you to use a hot tub if you have a medical condition like heart disease or are pregnant.

Examine the hygiene. Find out from the hotel or gym how frequently they clean their hot tub and whether they maintain the pH and chlorine concentrations within the CDC’s recommended ranges, which are 7.2–7.8 and at least 3 parts per million for free chlorine, respectively. Avoid entering the water if it appears murky or slimy.

Steer clear of crowds. When a hot tub is packed, stay away. More humans also mean more bacteria. The majority of respondents claim not to shower before going swimming.

Reduce the temperature. For healthy persons, a temperature of 100 F should be safe. Anything more than 104 may be harmful. If you are ill, decrease the temperature by a few degrees.

Don’t spend too much time. Avoid spending more than ten minutes in the hot tub. As soon as you feel lightheaded, hot, or ill, leave the area.

Pay attention to where you are sitting. Avoid sitting too near the source of heat. If you are pregnant, especially, keep your upper chest, arms, and head out of the water to prevent overheating.

Remain hydrated. To help you cool off while in the hot tub, sip on some water. Stay away from alcohol since it might dehydrate you.

Avoid going from warm to chilly. To cool off, avoid plunging right into the pool from the hot tub. Your blood pressure might rise as a result of the cold water’s shock value.

After that, wash off. As soon as you’re done, take off your bathing suit and give yourself a nice, soapy shower.